Senior sessions are for all fencers aged 14+ who have some prior fencing experience, e.g. have completed a beginner’s course.
Sessions are run by the club’s head coach, Andy Martin, on Mondays and Fridays.
Visitors can pay per session, but this does not include lessons.
Members can choose to pay per month or per year, and are entitled to individual lessons at no extra cost. Members are asked to pay by bank transfer, for details please contact us. Please see the Fees page for details of fees payable.
Monday often includes a coach led footwork and blade work session from 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM followed by free fencing. During the session, fencers rotate taking turns to fence on the box and referee. Individual lessons are given by Andy to club members upon request.
Friday sessions are free fencing only, with individual lessons provided by Andy and, when available, Joe. All senior fencers are welcome to join the Development class before the Senior session begins.
Kit can be hired or borrowed subject to availability.